Posted in Class Journals

(CW) Journal 10: Fame and Stuffs

Famous people are overrated.

…alright, yeah, that may be due to the fact that I have zero context in the U.S.’s modern pop culture. Still, though, famous people are just people a lot of other people know about. People people people. Nothing exciting. I’d rather meet a talking lemur.

But this week’s journal asks if I’ve met someone famous, or which famous person I’d like to meet and why. Therefore, I’ll say that I would love, love, loooooove to meet Lucy Maud Montgomery, as well as every other author who kills off the best characters. Then I could tell them off for ending lives, writing well, and breaking hearts. I mean, if you’re trying to make the story more realistic, why not just kill off those annoying characters instead of my favorites? Always. William Golding, Harriet Beecher Stowe, J. K. Rowling, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Louisa May Alcott… leave the good ones alone!

Readers have it so hard.

But yeah, I’m good without meeting anyone famous. They probably don’t need a millionth “number one fan” anyway.

3 thoughts on “(CW) Journal 10: Fame and Stuffs

  1. YEESSS!!!! Why must they always kill off the best characters?!!!???? *casually glances at own writing* *coughs* Um, yeah. For the record, I am totally allowed to do it, but other people ARE NOT! Oh, you forgot J.R.R.Tolkien. He killed off a couple good characters. *glares at Rowling* HOW COULD YOU!


    1. Hahaha!! It’s so true that there’s something strangely attractive about killing off the best characters. It’s like we know we’re sending them to heaven XD I shall put an end to their misery and send them to a better place….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know, right?! Sometimes I look at what I am doing to these poor people and I am like “Oh, I really should just kill you and put you out of your misery.” Lol


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